JULY 2019




SB: What is your favorite song?

AM: Hey! I Don’t Want That Anyway by AKA Lui. Has mad garage Daft Punk vibes. Like you want to go into a basement with your friends and all dance the workweek off in the dark.

SB: Have you heard any of these tracks before?

AM: Surprisingly no.

SB: Would you rather plan in a band you loved but never make any money or fame or play in a band you weren’t crazy about and become rich and famous?

AM: Is this a real question? I’ll take “anything I love” over music I’m dispassionate about any day.


AM: What is your favorite song?

SB: Loverboy by Joesef. I kept waiting for this song to take it to the next level and it never did. And part of me hated it for that. But the other part of me loved it and I think that's why I gotta give it the nod.

AM: Have you heard any of these tracks before?

SB: A few this time, which makes me sad that I didn't burn them first. Madi Sipes, HONEYMOAN and Tierra Whack.

AM: Music plays a big part in *some* of my relationships. I have friends I don't talk about music with, sure, and they're lovely people but let's just say the friends and family I do discuss it with have a special place in my heart

Who are some of your music confidants? The people who keep you not only on your toes, but tapping them, too?

SB: This is going to sound so sad, but it's really just you. Sure, there are a few folks who I'll occasionally send a song to but for the most part, when you get down to the inner music circle, it's become this secret life that people are shocked by when it comes up. Almost all of my music discovery happens by just roaming the empty streets of the internet and bending an ear when I walk past something. Perhaps this will be added to my 2020 goal list...find more music buddies.