APRIL 2024




AM: What is your favorite song?

SB: Alone. Together by Golding. Dripping in swag.

AM: Have you heard any of these tracks before?

SB: Only LOVESTRUCK by George Barnett

AM: The people want to know… All these years later… Is it safe to say EMINEM was your favorite rapper of all time?

SB: So I’m glad you said “favorite” because I never like to get into the “greatest” debates because not only have I not listend to all the rap music ever made, but art is also subjective. That said, favorite…so I am a big Em fan because I think he’s an incredible lyricist and his cadence and syncopation is insane. And it stands out even more today when you’ve got everyone just auto-tuned talk-singing to a trap beat. I love that he’s reinvented himself over the years, he writes every single one of his lyrics, doesn’t care about awards or public box office. He just speaks his truth and goes for the juggular. However…he’s not my favorite rapper. That title actually goes to Mos Def. One of the OG’s. His silky smooth tone and clever word-play are the perfect cocktail for me ears. He’s got some great early YouTube clips where he’s free-style battling with Kanye and destroys him. I just love his vibe.


SB: What is your favorite song?


SB: Have you heard any of these tracks before?


SB: I’m starting to mess around with Spotify’s Jam Sessions. Pretty sweet idea and about damn time! Almost like a radio broadcast, everyone you share it with can tune in and hear the same thing at the same time. One step closer to the silent accidental disco breaking out in an airport. Anyway, who are some folks you’d be down to share a Jam link with one of these days that would really appreciate our eccentric musical taste?